The client aspired to procure salon furniture for his new establishment in Ghana, all while adhering to a constrained budget. This financial constraint underscores the need for cost-effective yet high-quality solutions that meet both their aesthetic and financial expectations.
In taking care of this project, we faced a couple of challenges:
By shopping around, the client found barber furniture suppliers that are cheaper than us. しかし, due to the quality and variety of the products, he has never placed an order and was lingering between us.
We extend one-on-one physical photography services, enabling him to examine product details firsthand. This unique approach not only fosters a deep understanding of our offerings but also highlights the value of our products. It empowers him to prioritize quality without compromising on affordability.
Then He weighed the value of our offerings against the cost savings elsewhere. The superior quality and diverse product range we offer left him a long-lasting impression.
Also, と 15 years of experience in delivery and manufacturing, we provide her with approximate shipping times to ensure a smooth order, and door-to-door service as well.
Given the space constraints in the client’s store, he was unable to install the style mirror we suggested. Regrettably, the specified mirror requested by the customer was also currently out of stock.
Upon grasping his requirements, we swiftly contacted the factory for the tailored production of the mirrors they sought.
Through product services and value-added services, the client trusted us and believed that our products were worth their money and chose us firmly.
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